Project Monitoring

Project Life Cycle Progress
 Project progress status report – overviewProgramme : Agriculture
 Project 1Project 2Project 3
 DoneIn progressNot started
Stage 1Strategy alignment : Project identification   
1Strategic Goal – alignment to Programme outcomes   
1Overarching programme concept   
1Project objective from programme concept   
1Strategic Partnerships – Contact with Municipality   
1Institutional arrangements and agreements   
1Financial budget (programme)   
outputProject Identification   
Stage 2Conceptualisation   
2Stakeholder mobilization and feedback (continuous)   
2Engagement with stakeholders   
2Engage with Project Steering – PSC member   
2Programme Budget and potential stakeholder contribution   
2Mobilising resources for planning   
2Situational analysis/status quo/baseline/cost benefit analysis   
2Risk Analysis   
2High Level Feasibility & detailed feasibility   
2Market feasibility study   
outputProject concept   
Stage 3Planning   
3Logical Framework planning   
3Detailed programme planning (LSDF- industry cluster development plans, Rural community cluster plan   
3Operational Planning for implementation   
3Monitoring Plan   
3Detailed project and business plans (bankable)   
3Technical feasibility study and project design   
3Mobilising resources for implementation   
outputProject plan   
Stage 4Implementation    
4Organisational agreements in place   
4Implement operational plan   
4Learning and knowledge (training skills development and capacity building   
4Production capacity   
4Procurement of resources   
4Operations/construction started   
4Enterprize development ( strengthening structures, meetings, reporting, roles and responsilbities)   
4Maintenance of structures   
4Market access and logistics   
4Monitoring Implementation   
4Milestone reporting   
4Risk management   
4Production of Niche/New & high value products ( upscaling)   
outputProject implementation sustainability quality criteria achieved   
Stage 5Monitoring and Evaluation (Planning and Implementation)   
3logical Framework planning   
3Monitoring Plan   
4Monitoring Implementation   
5Review projects   
4Update business plan   
5Evaluate programmes   
5Learning networks   
5High level R&D, knowledge development   
5Industry associations   
outputProject achieved evaluation criteria and is sustainable   
Stage 6Sustainability & Exit   
1Strategic Alignment : Signed MoA’s   
1Strategic Alignment: Funding model, institutional ownership ( legal entity) & exit strategy planned   
2Conceptualisation: Stakeholder participation processes in place   
2Conceptualisation: Feasibility studies – project concept approval   
3Planning: Project Project plan of operation developed and approved   
3Planning: Project Budget approved and funding is available   
4Implementation: Project Management, control and regular reporting. Document procedures exists and is adhered to   
4Implementation: Project monitored according to monitoring plan and linked to performance management   
5Monitoring : Monitoring plan approved and aligned to programme outcomes   
5Evaluation: (External) Project are evaluated and lessons learnt are shared and serves as input into Strategic planning   
6Sustainability & Exit: Project participants are capacitated throughout the project lifecycle in preparation of exit